Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I haven't left yet... at least not physically.
I'm having some second thoughts about this whole ordeal.
Actually, some of you still may not really know what's going on. Let me take this opportunity to inform you, and perhaps along the way I'll come to some conclusions of my own.

first of all, I'm not irresponsible. I am not just the sum of bad choices I've made. I got into debt just like millions of other people before me. But I've decided to actually do something drastic about it. I've decided to live at my parents house with no rent, work until everything is paid off, and in the mean time take a break. You'd do the same.

I won't be gone forever, in fact I plan on returning no later that February of 2012. During this time though, I'll be on a mental sabbatical (time of rest) and I believe that God is going to do some major work in my character and perspective. And when I return I want to have greater vision for the future and a drive to push for my dreams.

I leave Thursday morning. I guess the pros outweigh the cons of cold weather, transportation, the fear of the unknown etc.

I've made my decision.

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