Saturday, September 24, 2011


Song for Today: "Mayfair Song" by: Air

What is an insecurity? It seems almost inevitable that imperfections, when pointed out, would make one insecure. And how do you tell the difference between someone just being a jerk, and something you should actually change? and what if it's something you CAN'T change? is it healthy to go around repeating mantras about how great you are? I believe in speaking life and not death, but I think everyone needs a dose of sober thinking about themselves.

That being said, no matter who you are, you have the potential for growth and leadership. We never stop growing as long as we are on earth. Thinking soberly about yourself is one thing, but using someone else as your standard is never a good idea. Everyone's strengths and weaknesses are different, and you will wear yourself out trying to be someone else. Be you, work on you, let them be them. I believe that insecurities come when we start comparing ourselves to others. This can be a hard habit to break, but freedom is available to everyone. When you accept Christ as the standard, you realize how futile comparisons are. That doesn't mean self-improvement is futile by any means, it simply means that you don't have to be perfect! AMAZING HUH?!?!

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